First fast-tracked bike lanes installed
Protected bike lanes made from recycled materials were installed in Carlton and East Melbourne last week as part of the …

Ralph Lauren commission custom Chappelli cycles
Award-winning Chappelli cycles are now proudly displayed in Ralph Lauren stores across Australia. In Chappelli’s latest collaboration, the Australian bicycle …

Green cycle shelter benefits Belgian college students
The addition of a cycle park in the renovated courtyard of the St Lievens College in Antwerp, Belgium has been …

Wheel & Pen: Issue 22
Fabrizio Lenci is an architect, art director and illustrator from São Paulo, Brazil. Ten years ago he lost his father …

Café du Cycliste: cycling, the French way
It makes perfect sense that a French expression captures the style and singularity of French label, Café du Cycliste. Its sleek …

Fast-tracking 40 kilometres of new bike lanes in Melbourne
The City of Melbourne is working to fast-track the delivery of 40 kilometres of bike lanes to help people travel …

National polling shows 89% of Australians support temporary bike lanes
National cycling safety charity Amy Gillett Foundation launches a campaign on World Bicycle Day with fresh data, calling for rapid …

Committee for Sydney calls for rapid expansion of cycle network
Sydney has a unique chance to use the current lockdown period to rapidly expand its cycle network, according to the …

Editor’s picks: Japan
What is it about Japanese design that makes it so singular? We don’t have the exact answer, but we do …
Video: Bicycle Seismographs
It’s art! It’s science! It’s cycling!