Adelaide Cargo Bike Party

Sunday May 25th saw Adelaide’s first ever cargo bike race. Organised by Darren Wilson-Roberts, a local with a proven track record in organising Tweed Rides and Adelaide Bicycle Food Court it was always going to be a party!


Held as part of Adelaide’s inaugural Velo-fringe Adelaide’s Cargo Bike Party stretched the definition of cargo bike to the limit with the emphasis on fun, creativity and everyone having fun hanging out with like-minded folk.


Bullitts, bakfiets, Christianas, Onderwaters, long-tails of all types and just about every home-made version of a cargo bike imaginable were present, laden with cargo, panniers and kids. The only possible way to be disqualified was with a motor, and even then, only if you used it.


A glorious autumn day saw races run with cargo, for speed, for kids and around obstacles but mostly just for fun.


And Adelaide’s famous Bicycle Food Court was represented with Veggie Velo, the Gelato bike and Flaming Wiener made sure there was plenty of good food to enjoy. Gelat-and-wieners-lo-res

Somehow, we’ve got the feeling this will be becoming a regular event. It was far too much fun to happen only once! winnersaregrinners-lo-res