Want to pitch something?
We’re all ears.
Thank you for your interest in Treadlie. We accept pitches, drafts and queries year – round. However, there may be a time delay as ours is a very small (but mighty) team.
If you decide to submit something to us, please refer to the below guidelines.
We’re looking for:
Community stories
These articles should be about specific people / places / products / ideas and must be accompanied by editorial-style photos that are of high-quality in content, composition and size (see photo guidelines below).
First person tour account: Share your bicycle trip with our readers. All tour accounts should highlight what’s noteworthy, entertaining or educational about the places you’ve travelled. We want to hear about what you saw, who you met and most importantly, your cycling experience. To submit, please provide us with the following:
- A cover letter explaining what you’re submitting and why we’d like it
- A brief bio about you (max. 150 words)
- Any website or social media links for your contributor page
Treadlie Street
We are all about showing off our community! Share the love and send in a photo of you or another on a bike with brief answers (i.e. a sentence or two) to these questions:
- Who?
- Occupation?
- Wearing?
- Your bike?
- Going?
- Why ride?
- Favourite ride?
- While riding you … ?
Sponsored content
Please send the following through to the editorial team:
- A cover letter explaining what you’re submitting and why we’d like it
- A brief bio about you/your organisation (max. 150 words)
- Any website or social media links for your contributor page
Pending approval, pricing will then be discussed.
We believe that photos make or break a story. Your story will be published based on the strength of accompanying photography / images. So, we encourage you to be discerning with how many files you send through (max. 20). To get a feel for what we like, have a browse of our site.
We’re not into:
- Obviously staged shots with cheesy grins. Keep it real!
- Bikes without people riding them, or bikes leaning against trees, signs, fences, etc
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. If you think you’ve captured a moment that will blow us away, go ahead and share it with us.
We prefer shots of helmeted cyclists.
Send us your story
All materials (text documents in Word, Pages or PDF format and images in JPEG format) must be sent to us via [email protected].